Daniela Banz

Focus Advises and accompanies entrepreneurs and leaders as a sparring partner. Provides strategic communications consulting for change processes and transformations in turbulent waters.

Experience Among other roles, she was Head of Communications and Marketing at a Swiss Re subsidiary, Marketing Director at FIFA and Event and PR Manager for Swatch at the Olympic Games.

[email protected]
M: +41 79 754 46 39

Company address
BANZ Strategy Communication Leadership GmbH
c/o KMES Partner
Fraumünsterstrasse 9 I 8001 Zurich I Switzerland

Daniela Banz

I love cooking for friends and family and discussing together at the long table. Even if we don’t always agree, exchanging ideas is enriching and fun. To clear my head, I swim in Lake Zurich all year round.

When things falter in the Federal Parliament When nobody listens When energy becomes scarce When the major project is blocked When everyone is talking about a crisis When only the opponent score goals