Stefan Wyer

Focus Advises on dealing with authorities, accompanies and coaches leaders in political and strategic processes, trains and supports lobbying at all levels.

Experience Has been active in communication and politics for over 30 years, as a consultant for companies, associations, members of parliament and government, including as a personal assistant to Federal Councillor Ruth Metzler-Arnold, as a member of the management and board of directors in various companies, as Head of Public Affairs at EuroAirport Basel and Lonza, and as a university lecturer.

[email protected]
M: +41 79 292 22 66

Company Address
WYER Strategie Führung Kommunikation
Monbijoustrasse 20 | CH-3011 Bern

Stefan Wyer

I have an affinity for snow and ice, just as much as for granite and limestone. Climbing mountains in both summer and winter instils a sense of reverence for nature and its powers, while also enabling you to guide rope teams securely and experience triumphs collectively.

When things falter in the Federal Parliament When nobody listens When energy becomes scarce When the major project is blocked When everyone is talking about a crisis When only the opponent score goals